Mr. and Miss Unikama 2019 Invites The Young People to Look Beautiful

Beauty Class with PIXY

UNIKAMA – There are a lot of people who like to beautify themselves. Make-up and fashion are something that must be considered especially for young people. There are many people who don’t know how to dress and make up according to their age. Therefore, Mr. and Miss of Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (Pupus Unikama) holds Beauty Class in collaboration with Pixy which is also the first project.

“This is our first project after becoming the Mr. and Miss of Unikama. We held this beauty class to introduce Unikama for a wide audience, “Suryo Cahyanto explained as The Winner of Mr. and Miss of Unikama.

Suryo also added that this was also very important for them when entering the workforce. Because in finding a job definitely demanded in terms of appearance. All seen from the appearance, if neat will impress both in the eyes of the Company’s HRD.

Interestingly, in the event that took place yesterday, Pupus Unikama also brought beauty influencer Nanda Galih as the main speaker.

The Participants not only from Unikama’s students, but from the general public, including students and housewives. They were very enthusiastic about joining the event. Seen from their interest when the speaker explained about fashion and procedures for natural make-up.

Meanwhile, the coach of the pupus Unikama Retno Wulandari, SE., M.SA., Akt., ACPA admitted that they were very happy, the students could hold interesting events like this. He also hopes that Mr. and Miss Unikama can also scent the name of campus and can make more interesting projectors. (ash)