Studying Abroad, Unikama Students Pass the Ministry of Education and Culture’s International Credit Transfer Program

UNIKAMA- Getting the opportunity to study abroad is a proud achievement. This time, the Ministry of Education and Culture provides students the opportunity to study abroad for free through the International Credit program. Two students from Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) passed the program selection.

Ayu Liskinasih, M.Pd as a Head of International Relations Office explained that there were two Unikama students who passed the International Credit program.

“After going through a long process, our student finally passed the selection. Elisabet Dyah Widyawati from the English Literature Study Program and Siti Annisa from the Guidance and Counseling Study Program could be accepted to study for one semester at Universiti Utara Malaysia,” he explained.

As for the Subject (MK) it was discussed earlier with partners and the Head of the Study Program (Kaprodi) respectively. The MK taken will be credited to the MK at Unikama. This is called a credit transfer program.

This grant was obtained after competing with many universities through the selection of proposals to the Directorate General of Belmawa Dikti Kemdikbud. Meanwhile, internally at Unikama, the language and academic selection of students is carried out and then proposed to partner universities abroad.

“This program aims to provide opportunities for students to interact with students and communities abroad. Thus, they can train students’ hard skills and soft skills, strengthen networks, and increase socio-cultural understanding. For institutions, this program will be a good practice for credit implementation. international transfers and strengthen international cooperation,” he added.

With this assistance, it is hoped that it will facilitate more students to experience the atmosphere of learning abroad. In addition, it can also improve the competence and insight of students and anticipate the swift global competition in various aspects.