The Achievements of UNIKAMA, reach 3rd Place

UNIKAMA – Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) returned the best achievement by winning third place. The championship is in the form of poster presentations in the seminar activities resulting from the assistance program for the development of career centers and advanced career centers in 2018.

This activity was held for two days, 13-14 November 2018 and was organized by the Directorate of Student Affairs, the General Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research, Technology and Education.

All over Universities in Indonesia that submitted proposals, those who successfully passed 247 Universities. In addition, graduating tertiary institutions receive funding to manage career centers and tracer studies.

“The selection since December last year, began with the submission of proposals to the Directorate of Student Affairs, the General Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Education. Then, each College must present the results of the development programs and activities that have been carried out in the form of posters and oral presentations. From all the Universities that received assistance, 47 of the best Universities were selected, then the 10 best to be chosen as the best 3, “said Khairul Bariyyah, M.Pd. as the Head of the Unikama Career Development Center.

Unikama succeeded in getting rid of 247 participants who received PKPKL assistance in 2018. The first best presentation was won by the Caltex Polytechnic Riau, the second was won by the YKPN Accounting Academy, and the third was University of Kanjuruhan Malang at the Tracer Poster Presentation Study.

Tracer Study is a study of tracking traces by graduates or alumni conducted to alumni 2 years after graduation. The feedback obtained from these alumni is needed by the University in its efforts to improve and develop the quality and education system.

“Actually Unikama got 3 years in a row to get this assistance from the General Director of Belmawa Ristekdikti. Since the announcement passed the proposal selection in March. The team of Unikama Career Center (Unikama PPK) began working to prepare themselves for organizing a tracer study, “explained the Head of Unikama Career Center (PPK).

The activities carried out by Unikama are improving the Tracer Online system to the student database. Then  1517 contact alumni graduated in 2016/2017 to be able to fill out the instrument tracer study questionnaire online. Later this feedback can be beneficial for Universities to map the business world and industry so that the gap between the competencies obtained by alumni while studying with the demands of the workforce can be minimized.

“What’s interesting about our presentation might be analyzed in detail, presenting diagrams in an interesting and easy to understand manner. The response of the net rate value produced is also quite high at 64%. From the results of the analysis obtained data 75% of alumni have worked, 25% choose not to work because 12% of them are still continuing professional studies, 14% are married, 8% are busy with family and children and 20% are still looking for work, “he explained further.

He added, the obstacle faced so far was that many alumni contact numbers could not be contacted, so the team try to get their contacts. starting from promotions on all social media, ask friends from one class until the last alternative is to contact their parents.

“I was shocked and unexpected because the other participants were good and experienced,  finally the team’s hard work got appreciation. We hope that this achievement can continue to be improved towards the excellent  Unikama 2025, “he hoped. (inka)