Faculty of Educational Studies

The Faculty of Educational Studies formerly known as Faculty of Teacher’s Training and Education is the oldest faculty and became the forerunner of Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang. The Faculty of Educational Studies continuously innovates and develops professionally by upholding professional ethics and academic values. This faculty is expected to produce graduates who are competitive so they can take part in the world of work.

Thus, graduates of the Faculty of Educational Studies are able to be competent teachers, have professional academic excellence, are open and critical, and responsive and able to play an active role in solving various factual educational problems.

The learning process at the Faculty of Educational Studies is supported by facilities and infrastructure including representative classrooms, LCD projectors in each class, Microteaching Laboratory, Guidance and Counseling Laboratory, Early Childhood Teacher Education Laboratory, Geography Laboratory, music studio, children’s playground, dance practicum room, gamelan/ karawitan, and religious and sports facilities.

The Faculty of Educational Studies has five Study Programs, each of which is accredited by BAN-PT and has active and competent teaching staff with Master and Doctoral qualifications.

The Guidance and Counseling Study Program aims at generating graduates who have the mastery of individual behavior concept and development and its implementation in personal character development, are able to understand the need for counseling with empathy and respect in multicultural counseling, are able to master concepts and practices of guidance and counseling , are capable of designing, implementing, evaluating and developing guidance and counseling service programs, and are able to become a professional guidance and counseling teacher in a comprehensive and sustainable manner through various relevant activities.


  1. Guidance and counseling services based on information technology and multimedia.
    1. Skills for compiling scientific articles that apply scientific rules, procedures, and ethics to publish scientific article publication.
    1. The ability to communicate, listen, understand, and respond to other people in accordance with the ethics of communication in the educational environment and social life.
    1. The ability to plan, implement, and assess guidance and counseling activities.

Job Opportunities:

Graduates of the study program can work as guidance and counseling teachers/counselors at elementary, secondary, and vocational schools, counselors in the field of drug rehabilitation, counselors at health clinics, counselors at study guidance centers, educational researchers, educational supervisors, educational counselors, and motivators.

  • Pancasila and Civil Education Study Program- Undergraduate

The Pancasila and Civil Education Study Program aims at generating graduates who are professional educators, researchers, and developers in the field of Pancasila and civil education.


  1. The ability to build national character and form a sense of nationality and love for the motherland.
    1. The ability to have high social sensitivity, life skills, and responsibility to internalize values, norms, ethics in the world of education and in society.
    1. The ability to plan and manage resources in the implementation of education and cooperation with stakeholders.
    1. Academic, pedagogic, personal, and social competencies with character and personality characterized by local wisdom.
    1. Knowledge of law and state administration to respond intelligently to moral, legal and socio-political phenomena in society.

Job Opportunities:

Graduates of the study program can work as educators and educational staff in the field of civics and researchers and observers of legal and constitutional issues, work in government agencies or institutions as well as in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

  • Geography Education Study Program- Undergraduate

The Geography Study Program aims at generating graduates who are professional educators, researchers, and developers in geography and have mastery of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial planning.


  1. The ability to develop geography science and teaching with an environmental perspective.
  2. The ability to become researchers, public servants, and developers in the field of geography education.
  3. master Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and Spatial Planning.

Job Opportunities:

Graduates of the study program can work as professional educators, researchers, and developers in geography and work in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial planning.

The Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program maintains local wisdom by elevating art as a special feature. This study program aims at generating qualified elementary school teachers who are equipped with several skills to become multitalented teachers in scouting, School Health Unit, dance and drama, visual arts, music, integrated arts, and marching bands.


  1. The ability to become innovative, professional educators in elementary schools and the ability to improve the quality of learning through science and technology.
    1. The ability to assist the development of elementary school education from the education unit level to the national level.
    1. The ability to solve learning problems in elementary schools through an inter and multi-disciplinary manner.
    1. The ability to produce learning innovations to improve the quality of education in elementary schools.
    1. The ability to express and be creative with various imaginary ideas by using various artistic tools.

Job Opportunities:

Graduates of the study program can work as elementary school education teachers, managers of elementary school educational institutions, teachers of dance, drama, fine arts, music, and marching bands, and managers of institutions related to elementary school education.

  • Early Childhood Teacher Education Study Program- Undergraduate

The Early Childhood Education Teacher Study Program aims at generating graduates who have the mastery of theoretical concepts in the field of early childhood education and teaching that supports their profession as educators, have adequate teaching skills supported by theoretical concepts in the field of early childhood education, apply child education science early childhood at the primary education level appropriately, and analyze teaching problems in early childhood education and make decisions responsibly. The development of students’ skills in art is supported by several art courses for early childhood such as integrated art innovation, development of dance for early childhood, and development of acting and drama for early childhood.


  1. The ability to utilize technology in developing online early childhood learning.
    1. The ability to develop teaching materials, models and learning software for early childhood education.
    1. The ability to develop early childhood learning evaluation tools.
    1. The ability to analyze and solve public policy issues related to the field of early childhood education.

Job Opportunities:

Graduates of the study program can work as early childhood education teachers, managers of early childhood education institutions, early childhood nutrition improvement practitioners, managers of institutions related to early childhood education, and practitioners and developers of early childhood educational game tools.

Contact Information

Faculty of Educational Studies

Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Jl. S. Supriadi No. 48 Malang 65148

Telephone number: (0341) 801488 Ext: 310

Website: fip.unikama.ac.id

E-mail: fip@unikama.ac.id