UNIKAMA – The culture parade of Univeristas Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) was attended by 21 regional organizations (Orda) which performed dances from their respective regions. The dance has its own meaning. Unikama having students from various ethnicities and cultures, that diversity is the background for the holding of the Nusantara Culture Parade.
“The culture parade features several regional dances in Indonesia. This event can be a way to preserve the culture of each region in Indonesia. Because this is our duty as the next generation of the nation, “said Yohannes Dedeo as the chief executive and chairman of the Student Executive Board (BEM).
Not only displaying regional dances, each Orda also opened a bazaar stand. From each Orda presents superior products from the region that are sold at the bazaar. Not only aims to sell, but also wants to introduce what culture and products from their area.
Orda itself is a forum for Unikama students from certain tribes and regions in Indonesia. Thus, they can exchange information about education and also protect each other. This regulation is considered very important, because the functions and benefits for its members are more than an intra-campus organization in general.
Dr. Pieter Sahertian, M.Si, as the Chancellor of Unikama, highly appreciated what this BEM had done. He wants cultural diversity and harmony between tribes and culture in Unikama.
“Things like that should be further improved and can be lowered to the next students,” he said. (ash)
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