UNIKAMA – The Faculty of Education Study Program (Geography Study Program FIP) Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (UNIKAMA) held a Guest Lecture with the theme “Geography of Learning in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Based on SDGs,” (01/14/2019). In this activity the Geography Study Program brought reliable presenters from Universitas Mulawarman, East Kalimantan Dr. Iya’ Setyasih, M.Pd.
This activity was held to prepare Geography students so that in the future they are ready to face the Millennial era, namely mastering IT. Information and Technology that will be integrated in the task of educating. “They must know how serving pattern will be delivered to students along with the transfer of knowledge,” explained the Dean of FIP Drs. Triwahyudianto, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Meanwhile, Yuli Ifana Sari, M.Pd, as the moderator assumed that this activity was aimed at forming students who could demonstrate their expertise in the field of teaching, especially in the field of Geography. Students are also required to become professional teachers not only teaching based on the textbooks.
“They also need to know the strategies used for teachers so that our students in the future can survive. The more advanced technology, the narrower the jobs because human power is replaced by technology,” he said.
Therefore, through this event, students are expected become highly competitive individuals for the future after graduating from Unikama. As a teacher they also need to be able to become educators who have learning strategies that are not monotonous and accompanied by technological advancements. (ash)
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