UNIKAMA – Based on “The Local Wisdom Arts and Intellectuals” The Program Study Teacher Education of Elementary School (PGSD) Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) celebrated Anniversary IX.
Based on “The Local Wisdom Arts and Intellectuals” The Program Study Teacher Education of Elementary School (PGSD) Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) celebrated Anniversary IX.
PGSD Unikama held various national level competitions for all Elementary Schools, Senior High Schools and Universitas in Indonesia. The activities start on 5 – 6 December 2018.
The activities are Nyanyi Solo, micro teaching, Ranking Satu and the healthy food festival was held in the first day. The second day a traditional dance competition was held for the students in Universities level of Indonesia, the recycle fashion was for the high school level. In addition, a 17-relay race for Unikama’s students. Flash mob competition for all the PGSD groups of Unikama and the food festival bazaar competition, said executive chairman Julius Ronaldo Prayogo.
The aims of microteaching competition are mature and prepares teachers so that in the future they can teach in Elementary School (SD) and Ibtidaiyah Madrasa (MI).
“In the future, I hope this Anniversary can continue to be sustainable, evenelevating the culture of local wisdom in Indonesia. While the national levelcompetition covers from Sabang to Merauke which is emphasized outside Java,” he explained further. (inka)
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