UNIKAMA – Early in the year, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (UNIKAMA) inaugurated the Student Organization (Ormawa) for the 2018/2019 period. A total of 44 students from 4 Student High Institutions (LTM), 19 The Units of Student’s Activities (UKM), 6 Faculty Student Senates (SMF), and 15 Study Program Student Associations (HMPS) were officially inaugurated, (1/24) yesterday. The activities that took place at the Sarwakirti Hall were attended by the Rector and several unique structural lines.

The President of the Student (Presma) is wisely hoping to be able to change and become better than the previous leadership. Not only that, Aditia Umbu Kulli Walangara has a full name and also invites her to join hands towards a better vision and resolve the problems that have existed so far.

“I really appreciate the president’s previous period; they continue to strive to provide welfare to all students. It is evident that student achievement continues to run well, for example in the sports field we have national badminton athletes. This year we can also penetrate seven PKM proposals in the university, “explained Dr. Joice Soraya, SH., M. Hum, as Vice Rector III Unikama.

The Chancellor, Pieter Sihertian, M.Si, also stated that students included in the university’s structural ranks must be neutral. “The challenges of the people of Indonesia are very large, because in 2019 we have to increase public trust as in previous years. This is the responsibility of all of us, not only lecturers but students must also take part. We increase student programs and activities again, “he explained.

In this 4.0 era students must be able to apply 4K, namely, Communication (Collaboration), Creativity (Creativity) and Critical Thinking (Critical Thinking). The programs also need to be better for the future, because there are so many programs that build universities to be better for the future. (ash)