Prepares PIMNAS, Mathematics hold Public Lecture

UNIKAMA – The Education Study of Mathematics Program Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) prepares for Pekan Ilmiah Nasional (PIMNAS). This is by holding a quality writing lecture of scientific. The activity with the theme “Achieving PKM with The Quality of Scientific Writing” was followed by 50 students.

Dr. Eko Suhartono, M.Sc., from Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, a national PKM reviewer whose abilities were undoubtedly presented as speakers. In his explanation, PKM is divided into 5 fields, namely PKM-P (Research), PKM-K(Entrepreneurship), PKM-T (Application of Technology), PKM-M (CommunityService), and PKM-KC (Karya Cipta). 

For the research (PKM-P) differentiated into exact (PKM-PE) and social humanities (PKM-PSH). Besides, in PKM there are also PKM-AI (Scientific Articles) and PKM-GT (Written Ideas). The speaker in his presentation also explained the three main pillars of PKM, including topics (ideas), things that already exist, and methodologies or executions.

The general lecture activities took place well, look at the students as participants enthusiastically following the course of public lectures from the beginning to the end of the event. This can be seen from many and various questions raised by students.

This activity is an effort of Mathematic Education Program of Unikama to provide guidance and assistance to students, said Dr. Sri Hariyani, M.Pd, chairman Education Study of Mathematic Program.

“I hope through this activity will continue to foster the student interest in producing quality PKM and qualifying for PIMNAS. At least 10 proposals can be arranged, “he said. (dinog)