Students of Management Department Unikama Help Communities in Precet Village Develop Pine Forest Tourism

Unikama – Seeing the cool and beautiful potential of the village made students of the Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) Management Study Program (Prodi) Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) help the people of Precet, Sumbersuko Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency develop pine forests. This idea came up when they came to the village and saw a pine forest that was not maintained, even though if it was cared for and cleaned the atmosphere was cool.

One of the KKNT students, Didik Marianto, explained that if this pine forest is managed, it can have a positive impact on improving the economy of the surrounding community.

“For this work program, we invite youth and community members to move to develop the pine forest in Precet Village. Since the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Pinus Precet Forest seems to be in suspended animation, due to the closure of tourist attractions so that it has an impact on facilities that are not maintained,” he said.

This time under the management of youth organization and the Sumbersuko Village Government with permission from several regional institutions and Perhutani, the Pine Forest was tried to be revived.

“As students, we will help develop it with creative and innovative ideas. With the new concept and ideas from us, we hope to be able to attract tourists to come to this Pine Forest,” he added.

As the Village Head, Mr. Subkhan and Mr. Tiarno, the Head of Precet Village, Sumbersuko Village is very supportive of the concepts presented by KKNT students. The presentation included land mapping, rearranging location plans, structuring play areas and photo spots, creating a tourism-based waste bank as a means of education so that tourists who come to the Pine Forest participate in preserving the environment.

Meanwhile, Candra Wahyu Hidayat, SE., MM, as a Field Assistant Lecturer (DPL) hopes that later there will be efforts from KKNT students to maintain communication with the Sumbersuko Village Government in terms of developing innovative ideas, so that the surrounding community becomes more sensitive. to their potential.