UNIKAMA – The development of an increasingly advanced world of education requires educators to develop their abilities in the teaching process. Especially in educating students to train their Critical Thinking. Therefore, the English Education Department held “A Two-Day Workshop on Professional Development” by bringing two reliable presenters, Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, MA, UM (Universitas Negeri Malang) and Teguh Hadi Saputro, MA, UMM (Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang).
The workshop which was opened in general was attended by teachers of SMA/SMK, Unikama’s lecturers, Lecturers in another University and students from various Universities. The event also attracted attention because of the assignment from Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, MA. After that, the participants immediately represented HOTS based assignments for multiple choice questions (Higher Order Thinking Skill).
“In the 21st century, teachers are required to be more innovative in developing their professionalism. Not only know, how to teach well, but must be able to make students meet the criteria of 6 Cs: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Citizenship / Culture, and Connectivity / Character Education. The most important thing is Critical Thinking, to train this they have to get used to it, “said UM lecturer Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, MA.
In the education environment there are a lot of exam questions that still do not meet the HOTS criteria, so students answer questions still very easy. It should be inserted in each of the six Cs, especially on Critical Thinkng, he added.
Riza Weganova, M.Pd, Head of Study Program (Head of Study Program) of English Language Education hopes that this event can be useful for educators. Especially prospective educators so as not to become monotonous teachers / lecturers.
“They can innovate to develop the concept of teaching and educating. The reason is taking the theme HOTS and Task Based Learning because there are some friends who are both in the world of education who are still confused about the material. “I have also applied HOTS to my students on Unikama,” said Riza.
HOTS and Task based Learning are two simple themes, but implementing them is not easy. That way, there must be a lot of training and familiarize Universities students or students about HOTS and Task based Learning. (ash)
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