UNIKAMA – Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) responds on developing technological advancements rapidly. The way by holding a Technowars event. This year, carried out five activities.
Starting from the seminar on technopreneurship, e-sport tournament, to Indonesia Line Follower Competition 2018. The event was held on Saturday (1/12). “In the 6th year, the competition was indeed more varied. Cause of e-sport and technopreneur was famous, “said Chief Executive Officer of Techowars 6 Erga Febrian.
The highlight of this activity was mainly a robotics competition which was attended by 65 participants from all over Indonesia. There are those from North Sumatra, Makassar, Bandung, Sumbawa, and East Java. They are divided into two categories, namely micro and analog. “For micro, more participants are from universities. “The analog is for schools,” he explained.
The competition uses robots that run on the track made by the committee. This year the committee made several track variants which were quite challenging. “Indeed, we made a different variant, so participants can prepare themselves well,” he said.
Through this activity, he hopes that technology can become more popular in the community. And there is a competition that can be a forum. Examples for games, do not be seen from the negative side. However, there are also benefits to achieving achievements. Robotics can also be a place to hone creativity. “What was explored was his creativity, so there could be a container,” he concluded.
Meanwhile, the Analog category of Muhammadiyah 12 GKB Gresik Middle School won first place, followed by SMK 1 Rejotangan Tulungagung and MTsN 1 Tulungagung as champions II and III.
Abdul Latif Suryonegoro from Muhammadiyah 12 Gresik Middle School won the first place in the category of analogue robot M 12 R. With this Raihan, Latif wanted a successor in the field of robotics.
“Hopefully there will be another successor so that people know that robotics can bring more advanced technology,” said this student.
In addition, the winner of the micro robot category was achieved by R. R. B. Nirvash from Surakarta. He also revealed, robots have a very important function. Derived from the discovery of robots, many technologies that currently facilitate humans in all things.
“Don’t be discouraged for those who like robots or robotics. Don’t regret liking robots, “said the team who claimed to have little preparation. (rmik)
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