UNIKAMA – Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) holds a degree in Identity of Kanjuruhan. Romadon, M.Pd, as the subject of the course will forge the personality of students as citizens of Unikama and good citizens.
One of the ways to hold the # 5 PJDK dissemination in recent days by inviting experts in their fields. As stated by the coordinator of MPK Suryantoro, S.Pd., M.Pd, he hopes that students can reflect on the results of the teaching and learning activities that have been obtained so far.
“The courses include PGRI, anti-corruption and so on. This event is also a reflection of what they have got in class. Besides, they can also take various knowledge from the speakers, “he explained.
Ach. Dzofir Zuhry, S.Fil., S.Sos., M.Ap., Chancellor of STF Al-Farabi who became the speaker gave a different view on the material. Among them is giving a view to students about social media which is the ‘world’ for the millennial generation.
“As expressed by an ustadz who is also a philosopher of language explained, now society does not live in the real world but hyper reality. It’s as if the social media is real even though it’s not, “he explained.
Worse yet, at this time the community no longer cared about tolerance and the principle of humanizing humans while riding. “Until there was a small child blaspheming the professor, because what he faced was not the person but the cellphone,” he said.
For this reason, he reminded Unikama students to keep holding the principles of Pancasila and diversity wherever they are, including the virtual world. “Don’t get caught up in hoax news, we must be careful in sorting out information. If there is something different, we must love, because we must be agents who fight for culturalism, “he said. (inka)
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