UNIKAMA – The Economics Faculty of Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar conducted a comparative study to Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama), yesterday. This visit took the group including deans I, II, III, lecturers and several students. The program that has been planned far and wide is a matter of pride for Unikama especially Economics and Business Faculty (FEB). Previously, representatives from FEB Unikama had visited Universitas Warmadewa in order to take part in the Accounting Olympics.
“We appreciate this visit, because this is the initial stage for major cooperation in the future. On this occasion the party from Universitas Warmadewa also had the opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss, “said Dr. Vinus Maulina, M.M, as the Deputy Dean of FEB.
Every year, the number of interested people is increasing, FEB also provides knowledge to students for entrepreneurship. After graduating, they will not only look for work and work for people. It is hoped that they will be able to create their own jobs.
“We sincerely hope that every year our students can develop. With this moment our students can get to know the wider world outside the campus. Not only on campus. They can get to know friends from other campuses so that in the future there will also be collaboration between students, “explained the Dean of FEB Universitas Warmadewa I Made Sarah, when opening the event. Even though both of them have not yet undergone the MoU formally and in writing, the two campuses believe that in the future there will be positive cooperation that will be established. Besides that, he also got new knowledge that needed to be developed together, he added. (ash / pus)
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