The Student of Information Technology Department Create Smart Farming Technology

UNIKAMA – Demanded to have high creativity and innovation, student of Information Technology Department Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) created a new technology called Smart Farming. Smart Farming is a vegetable seed planter tool that was created by Ega Febriawan 7th semester student to fulfill the thesis he is taking.

Actually Smart Farming is a technology that I created to help the community. At present, there are a lot of people who live in housing with narrow land, but they want to grow crops. I tried to find a solution and created this Smart Farming technology, ” said Ega.

Smart Farming technology is still in the form of a prototype, with a small scale not to be applied to the industrial world.

“This technology is only for planting seeds, people who have narrow land can already grow crops. For Smart Farming this time I am still concerned about planting mustard greens, because mustard greens are easy to maintain and the growth process is fast so it can be harvested immediately. If you want to plant other vegetable seeds, just adjust them and replace a few items in this technology, “he added.

As Head of Information Technology Department (Kaprodi) Moh. Ahsan, M.Kom, M.T highly appreciated the Smart Farming technology created by Ega. According to him, this was a new breakthrough and was created at the right moment because soon the Informatics Engineering Study Program will establish cooperation with BALITKABI (Research Institute for Various Beans and Bulbs).

“Soon we will hold an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with BALITKABI. The technology created by Ega can be disseminated to BALITKABI. It is still concentrated on mustard seedlings but we will try to help to develop this technology so that it can be used to plant various types of seeds, ” he said.

Meanwhile, Supervising Lecturer I Muhammad Priyono Tri Sulistyanto, M. Eng admitted that there was no difficulty in guiding Ega in making Smart Farming technology. He is very proud of students who have high innovation.

“It’s not too difficult to guide Ega, the technology he created is indeed still small scale only for people who have narrow land. But it is not impossible this technology can be created on a large scale and used in the industrial world, “he explained.

Actually the Smart Farming technology created by Ega is not only used for planting seeds, but also for maintenance and harvesting. Only need to change some of the tools that are in the technology.

“I hope there are many students who create new innovations, especially in the field of technology. “For Smart Farming, this will become research that can be continuously refined by Ega’s younger siblings and many new technologies produced by students,” he concluded.

As a student, they have to have a creative spirit and high innovation, this is very necessary for them in the workforce.