UNIKAMA – The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) successfully graduated 131 students. Wednesday (20/02) held a Yudisium event which was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean and several lecturers of FEB. FEB students who participated in the graduation included Accounting Department for 56 students, Management Department of 59 students and Economic Education Department for 16 students.
“I am proud the graduation of FEB students, even though the knowledge we provide is actually still very lacking. Curriculums that are always upgrading every year we always try to follow and we give to students. In facts they will face different things out there. The path you will choose will vary, I hope that whatever you choose, you must be able to maintain what you choose, “said the Dean of FEB, Drs. Sulistyo, M.Ak.
FEB is also very proud of the three best graduate students namely, Melinda Permatasari with GPA 3, 80 (Accounting), Ferra Eka Ramadhani with GPA 3, 87 (Management), and Yuyun Suhariami with GPA 3, 76 (Economic Education)
Ferra Eka Ramadhani who is an active student in campus organizations won the highest GPA. Even though he joined the organization, Ferra was committed to achieving in the academic field she still got.
“To get the best graduate title is not easy, because there are so many rivals. I have to be diligent in learning and dividing my time, because in an organization besides running a work program (proker) I also have to take care of other matters not to mention assignments and thesis, “he said.
This graduation is done in a different way from the other Study Programs. To enliven and delight students, FEB added a shower program to students. After the graduation took place in the Multicultural Auditorium lecturers invited the students to shower in front of the FEB Building itself. It starts from the dean and the lecturers taking turns to pour the flower water. (ash)
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