UNIKAMA – Students of the Management Study Program (Prodi) Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) apply Ecogreen downstreaming for people with disabilities in Gunung Wedon, Turirejo Village, Lawang District for 4 months from August to November 2021.

Yoga Setyawan, one of the students who are members of the Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) group in the village, explained that this downstream application aims to help people with disabilities when climbing.

“We created ecogreen downstreaming, starting from making road directions for mountain locations, accessing hiking trails for the disabled, planting trees, educational photo spots, handling waste to improving the community’s economy by training and empowering UMKM (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) around Mount Wedon. Actually, not only for people with disabilities, but also for other climbers,” he said.

In addition to the application of Ecogreen Downstream, students also provide knowledge and insight to the community in empowering UMKM.

“We also hope that the community can actually implement all the knowledge that has been given by the presenters related to business development. Starting from determining business ideas to how to market them using technology,” he explained.

Iva Nurdiana Nurdifa, SE., MM as DPL (Field Assistant Lecturer) stated that indeed Mount Wedon has interesting tourism potential and can be visited by anyone including people with disabilities.

Therefore, KKNT Management Study Program students collaborated with the Lingkar Sosial (LinkSos) community to build this Gunung Wedon ecotourism.

“I hope that the public can see the good potentials of Mount Wedon, thus increasing the economy of the local residents,” he concluded.

The application of Ecogreen Downstream is fully supported by the Head of the Independent Campus Competition Program Team (PKKM) Unikama Management, Drs. Sulistyo, M.Ak and also the Head of LinkSos Ken Kertaningtyas. They hope that the existence of Mount Wedon ecotourism is expected to be able to have a positive impact through optimizing economic potential and can help people with disabilities who climb to avoid the dangers of accidents.

Meanwhile, Village Head Arif Sukmawanto, S.H, MM, thanked the KKNT Unikama students and also LinkSos. With this program, UMKM in Turirejo Village can learn to prepare their own budget in sales, and of course, with the material that has been conveyed, they can add insight on how to make financial arrangements in a simple way.

“I also hope that the Downstream Ecogreen in Gunung Wedon will be able to add Tourism Villages in Indonesia as a competitive tourism destination, which is able to encourage regional development, community welfare, as well as a place to promote the potential of tourist villages in Indonesia,” he concluded.

UNIKAMA – In the graduation procession which was conducted online, Saturday (23/10/2021) Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) also attended the Head of LLDIKTI Region VII Prof. Dr. Ir. Soeprapto, DEA, he explained that this achievement is very important for both the institution and the students. If the institution excels, the students’ competence will not need to be doubted.

“Achievement is an investment for institutions, such as Unikama in 2020 nationally, ranking 89 out of 3676 in Indonesia, both private and public universities. With this achievement, efforts should be made continuously for both the institution and the students. This is so that the public knows that Unikama is a campus full of achievements and has creative and innovative students,” he explained.

In addition, the General Chairperson of the PGRI Executive Board, Prof. Dr. Unifah Rosyidi, M.Pd through zoom meetings to congratulate the graduates.

“Congratulations to the graduates for being inaugurated in the Unikama graduation activity for the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. Unikama is a multicultural campus that is attached to various cultures, ethnicities, races in Indonesia because students come from various regions. As an alumni of a multicultural campus, you must maintain the good name of the campus, because integrity is what distinguishes one person from another,” he said.

Alumni with strong character will differentiate themselves from others. Character will take that person to a bright future.

Meanwhile, representatives of outstanding students Jihan Rohmawati also said that graduation was the real starting point of life.

“Currently, in front of us, there are a million challenges that must be faced because the competition is so fierce out there. Let’s compete to be the best. No matter how hard life’s challenges are, stay strong like a rock in the ocean, flow like water, be good at finding solutions, and stay true to your values. It is possible that one day, some of us may become big entrepreneurs, become successful professionals, become Regents, Mayors, Governors, Members of the DPR, Ministers, and even the President. So, hold fast to religious values ​​and stay firm with the noble values ​​of our nation,” he explained.

He also thanked Unikama, Lecturers, and also the education staff who have patiently guided and helped each lecture process up to graduation. Not to forget, thank you to both parents who always support and pray for the success of their children.

As Billy Gates said in one of his speeches, be a hungry soul. Hunger means always wanting to get new experiences. Be a person who provides benefits to those around you.

“Become a graduate who can bring the good name of UNIKAMA known to many people. Known for its graduates who are creative, innovative and also highly competent,” he concluded.

UNIKAMA – Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) held an even semester graduation for the 2020/2021 academic year online through YouTube live, zoom meetings, and also Instagram live. This activity was attended by 833 students consisting of the Strata I (S1) program and also the Strata II (S2) postgraduate program.

Dr. Pieter Sahertian, M.Si as the Chancellor of Unikama motivates the graduates to always be enthusiastic about enriching themselves, especially in terms of knowledge, values ​​and character.

“Having a wealth of knowledge and skills will properly help increase your potential as well as your responsibilities in the community. Having knowledge will be your strength in the future if it is used with the right actions and ways. Understand that the time we have is limited and we fill it with work and work. So do the work you love. In going through it all, of course, there will be obstacles of difficulty and defeat that are only temporary. But believe me you are formed through a process and later the results will be more than you imagine, “he explained.

Each student has extraordinary talents, what they have to do is be open to various dynamics and information. In addition, developing literacy skills to enrich insight in dealing with various possibilities.

“Many people are successful because they work harder than others, even though they are naturally less talented. Never give up, you will surely find so many difficulties. It’s all included in the dynamics of life, almost all successful people experience rejection in their lives. So you have to have positive thinking to get better at picking up the future with enthusiasm,” he added.

He hopes that later students will continue to advance to create creations, develop knowledge, improve competence, foster collaboration, always cultivate team work, and hone leadership skills so that they can compete in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which is full of competitive atmosphere.

In addition, the Chairperson of the PGRI Executive Board, Prof. Dr. Unifah Rosyidi, M.Pd via zoom meetings to congratulate the graduates. They hope that after graduating, alumni will remain enthusiastic to excel. In addition, they hope that UNIKAMA will be more advanced in the future so that it will continue to be known by the wider community.

The outstanding students with the highest GPA (Gradual Achievement Index) were Jihan Rohmawati from the English Education Study Program (Study Program) with a GPA of 3.95, Inge Lailati from Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) with a GPA of 3.94, Indah Anisyah Putri from the Study Program. Animal Husbandry with a GPA of 3.92, Era Bajhiro from the Management Study Program with a GPA of 3.90, Luluk Anisatul Farida from the Mathematics Education Study Program with a GPA of 3.82, Erlina Now Sari from the Law Studies Study Program with a GPA of 3.81 and Yulianah from the Master of English Education with a GPA of 4.00.

Unikama graduates also received congratulations and success from Dr. Ahmad Basarah, SH., MH, the representative of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia who is also a member of Commission IX. He hopes that with the bachelor’s degree obtained, he can give birth to intellectuals who will later serve in their respective fields to support national development to achieve the ideals of a just and prosperous society based on Pancasila. In addition, the speech was also spoken by Hj. Dra. Dewanti Rumpoko, M.Si, Mayor of Batu and Drs. H. MM. Sanusi, M.M, Malang Regent for the inauguration of the Unikama graduates.

Unikama – Seeing the cool and beautiful potential of the village made students of the Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) Management Study Program (Prodi) Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) help the people of Precet, Sumbersuko Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency develop pine forests. This idea came up when they came to the village and saw a pine forest that was not maintained, even though if it was cared for and cleaned the atmosphere was cool.

One of the KKNT students, Didik Marianto, explained that if this pine forest is managed, it can have a positive impact on improving the economy of the surrounding community.

“For this work program, we invite youth and community members to move to develop the pine forest in Precet Village. Since the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Pinus Precet Forest seems to be in suspended animation, due to the closure of tourist attractions so that it has an impact on facilities that are not maintained,” he said.

This time under the management of youth organization and the Sumbersuko Village Government with permission from several regional institutions and Perhutani, the Pine Forest was tried to be revived.

“As students, we will help develop it with creative and innovative ideas. With the new concept and ideas from us, we hope to be able to attract tourists to come to this Pine Forest,” he added.

As the Village Head, Mr. Subkhan and Mr. Tiarno, the Head of Precet Village, Sumbersuko Village is very supportive of the concepts presented by KKNT students. The presentation included land mapping, rearranging location plans, structuring play areas and photo spots, creating a tourism-based waste bank as a means of education so that tourists who come to the Pine Forest participate in preserving the environment.

Meanwhile, Candra Wahyu Hidayat, SE., MM, as a Field Assistant Lecturer (DPL) hopes that later there will be efforts from KKNT students to maintain communication with the Sumbersuko Village Government in terms of developing innovative ideas, so that the surrounding community becomes more sensitive. to their potential.

Unikama – Seeing the cool and beautiful potential of the village made students of the Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) Management Department of Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) help the people of Precet, Sumbersuko Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency develop pine forests. This idea came up when they came to the village and saw a pine forest that was not maintained, even though if it was cared for and cleaned the atmosphere was cool.

One of the KKNT students, Didik Marianto, explained that if this pine forest is managed, it can have a positive impact on improving the economy of the surrounding community.

“For this work program, we invite youth and community members to move to develop the pine forest in Precet Village. Since the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Pinus Precet Forest seems to be in suspended animation, due to the closure of tourist attractions so that it has an impact on facilities that are not maintained,” he said.

This time under the management of Karang Taruna Dusun Precet and the Sumbersuko Village Government with permission from several regional institutions and Perhutani, the Pine Forest was tried to be revived.

“As students, we will help develop it with creative and innovative ideas. With the new concept and ideas from us, we hope to be able to attract tourists to come to this Pine Forest,” he added.

As the Village Head, Mr. Subkhan and Mr. Tiarno, the Head of Precet Village, Sumbersuko Village is very supportive of the concepts presented by KKNT students. The presentation included land mapping, rearranging location plans, structuring play areas and photo spots, creating a tourism-based waste bank as a means of education so that tourists who come to the Pine Forest participate in preserving the environment.

Meanwhile, Candra Wahyu Hidayat, SE., MM, as a Field Assistant Lecturer (DPL) hopes that later there will be efforts from KKNT students to maintain communication with the Sumbersuko Village Government in terms of developing innovative ideas, so that the surrounding community becomes more sensitive. to their potential.

UNIKAMA- Getting the opportunity to study abroad is a proud achievement. This time, the Ministry of Education and Culture provides students the opportunity to study abroad for free through the International Credit program. Two students from Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) passed the program selection.

Ayu Liskinasih, M.Pd as a Head of International Relations Office explained that there were two Unikama students who passed the International Credit program.

“After going through a long process, our student finally passed the selection. Elisabet Dyah Widyawati from the English Literature Study Program and Siti Annisa from the Guidance and Counseling Study Program could be accepted to study for one semester at Universiti Utara Malaysia,” he explained.

As for the Subject (MK) it was discussed earlier with partners and the Head of the Study Program (Kaprodi) respectively. The MK taken will be credited to the MK at Unikama. This is called a credit transfer program.

This grant was obtained after competing with many universities through the selection of proposals to the Directorate General of Belmawa Dikti Kemdikbud. Meanwhile, internally at Unikama, the language and academic selection of students is carried out and then proposed to partner universities abroad.

“This program aims to provide opportunities for students to interact with students and communities abroad. Thus, they can train students’ hard skills and soft skills, strengthen networks, and increase socio-cultural understanding. For institutions, this program will be a good practice for credit implementation. international transfers and strengthen international cooperation,” he added.

With this assistance, it is hoped that it will facilitate more students to experience the atmosphere of learning abroad. In addition, it can also improve the competence and insight of students and anticipate the swift global competition in various aspects.

UNIKAMA – Accounting Department Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) is one of the study programs that is in great demand by prospective students. Accounting is indeed used in all fields, especially in everyday life. As one of the study programs that are included in the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), it certainly has various advantages.

Ati Retna Sari, SE, Ak, MSA, CA as the Head of the Department (Kaprodi) explained that the Accounting Department had implemented the MBKM curriculum (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka).

“We use Synchronous and Asynchronous learning systems (Spada Unikama, zoom, google classroom, etc). In addition to the theory that students get, they are also equipped with field experience in the world of work through an internship program. Not only that, the soft skills of students are also improved through activities such as seminars, workshops, training and certification exams in collaboration with practitioners and related agencies,” she explained.

In this Department, students can get learning that is in accordance with the needs of the current world of work with the concentration options offered such as financial accounting, the public sector and syariah. Where students can choose the field they want and are supported by teaching staff who are accounting practitioners so that graduates of the Accounting Department are really ready go to the world of work.

“For HR (Human Resources) we have lecturers who are qualified and in accordance with their fields and are even involved as practitioners. As for the facility, we have an investment gallery as a forum for students who want to practice directly about buying and selling and knowledge about stocks. Students can also get certified as brokers/representatives of securities traders through the Investment Gallery. We also have a CPA Center, which can issue ACPAI certification and an accounting lab as a supporting laboratory for accounting practicums,” he added.

With the implementation of the MBKM curriculum, the Accounting Department has collaborated with many universities and related institutions to carry out internship programs so that our students can compete later in the world of work.

She hopes that in the future, Unikama can realize its vision to become a superior university. In addition, the Accounting Department can improve the quality of graduates who are competitive and competent in the world of work according to what is needed by the world of work today.

UNIKAMA – After conducting an MoA (Memorandum of Understanding) with Bawaslu, the Law Department (Prodi) of the Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) is now carrying out an election school program. Even before conducting this election school, the Law Department had reviewed the curriculum first.

Dr. Suciati, S.H., M.Hum as the Dean of the Faculty of Law emphasized that the Election Monitoring Program class was held in order to broaden students’ knowledge in the fields of politics and law, especially in election supervision.

“Meanwhile, this election school is specifically for 5th semester students of the Law Department. Lecturers are also brought in from the Bawaslu’s Province and City and the Universitas Islam Malang (Unisma) who are engaged in the field of election supervision,” he explained.

By participating in this election school, students can gain knowledge, especially, grades and credits that are converted to similar courses and certificates which can later be used as SKPI.

“This Bawaslu class is included in the credit in accordance with the provisions of MBKM (Independent Campus Learning Independence). This election school was held offline, because the Bawaslu did not want to conduct classes online. They want students to really be able to really dig up knowledge about elections and later be able to be directly involved in election activities,” he added.

Law students are indeed obliged to know and understand about elections, especially the procedures and also their implementation. Although it looks easy, it is not as easy as it looks.

“The election school is also the implementation of the MBKM program which requires students for 2 semesters off campus. So that later we will cooperate with other campuses or other agencies as partners for practice/internships so that students not only know the theory but also directly practice like this, “continued the woman wearing this hijab.

As the Dean and Lecturer of the Law Department, he hopes that by joining the election school, students can increase their knowledge in the world of politics, especially about elections.


UNIKAMA – Physics Education Department is one of the Departments at Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) which received funding from the Independent Campus Competition Program Grant (PKKM) from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The grant fund is Rp. 492,609,000, – will be implemented to develop department.

“After receiving information about PKKM, we coordinated to immediately conduct an analysis of the internal conditions of the department based on 8 Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Then, the analysis produces a map of the Department’s strengths and weaknesses. After that, we will formulate an activity program to improve the IKU of the department which is still weak by submitting a PKKM funding proposal,” said Akhmad Jufriadi, S.Si., M.Si as the Head of the Physics Education Study Program.

After passing the PKKM funding, the Physics Education Department immediately formed a Person In Charge (PIC) for each activity to implement the funds.

“What is certain is that the implementation will include increasing the competence of graduates, the quality of the Physics Education Department lecturers, improving the quality of partnership programs and developing classroom learning based on Case Method and Team Based Projects as well as Internationalization of Department,” he said.

In the future, the Physics Education Department also wants to improve the quality of laboratory facilities to support the Merdeka Campus Program. In addition, it will also build and develop a Multimedia Laboratory and online learning Base Podcast.

He hopes that Unikama will soon become a superior campus and Physics Education Department will be able to implement an independent campus properly and lead it to become an international department’s standart.

UNIKAMA – The second time since the Covid-19 pandemic, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama) held an Online Graduation Ceremony. The graduation ceremony for the odd semester of the academic year 2020/2021 was attended by 439 out of 20 undergraduate and postgraduate students from 20 Departments.

As stated by the Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Maris Kurniawati, S.Si., M.Kes, that this odd semester graduation will be held on May 22, 2021. There are 419 undergraduate students (S1) and 20 postgraduate students.

“Along with the 64th Anniversary of Unikama, we raised the theme of this year’s graduation, Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) which is currently being intensively announced by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The core theme of this MBKM is Quo-Vadis Higher Education Development in Indonesia,” she said.

This was also confirmed by the Head of UNIKAMA Public Relations, Retno Wulandari, SE., M.SA, Akt students did graduation online. For the awarding of a diploma will also be carried out after graduation.

“Students in the Greater Malang area can immediately take a diploma to Unikama, if those who are outside the city and the island will be sent to their residential address. Meanwhile, during graduation, it will be set like a graduation in general. So, there is still the inauguration procession. Later students will follow through the zoom application, while parents and siblings can follow the Unikama live streaming, ” he explained.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector I (Vice Rector I) Dr. Sudi Dul Aji., MSi, who is in charge of the Academic field, revealed that this year’s graduation is a little different from the previous one. On this good occasion, Unikama launched the “Book Chapter”.

“This Book Chapter is a book that contains a collection of works from authors both from outside such as from the Higher Education, off-campus lecturers, as well as the writings of Unikama Lecturers. We also give the theme of this Book Chapter the Ideology of Science in Learning Applications. We offer it to the previous writers. Finally, there are 30 writers who will submit the script, ”he said.

In addition, Vice Chancellor I Unikama also said that for the next semester learning will be carried out online and offline if possible. But still adhere to health protocols so that the learning process can still run well.

During the pandemic, this didn’t trigger the achievements of Unikama. This is proven by the existence of several achievements, including passing funding from 16 study programs that get Higher Education Grants in the field of curriculum for the implementation of MBKM (10 odd semester study programs, 6 even semester study programs), Guidance and Counseling (BK) study programs pass the CoE program, PGSD study programs pass PJJ, get RPL (Past Learning Recognition) from the Ministry, Students pass the pioneering teaching program, pass the Phase I teaching campus, most recently Unikama was appointed as a Vocational School Accompanying Campus or SMK for curriculum development.

He hopes that with this year’s Online graduation, all students can graduate soon, and can get a diploma on time so they can use it as a provision for them to get a job. In addition, the knowledge they can use and implement properly.